Rainfall, Land Use, Runoff, Geographic Information SystemAbstract
Changes in land use from undeveloped land covers, such as rice fields, ponds, and fields to open building spaces, increase the inundation. Therefore, its management in urban areas is vital to suppress the runoff rate the larger the building's open space, the greater the runoff coefficient. As a result, the local government must pay attention to many things to overcome the problem of land-use change in the Krukut watershed. This review is based on an overview of satellite imagery in 2010 and 2019 to estimate land area and calculate differences in runoff coefficients between the two periods, using a Geographic Information System (GIS) spatial analysis. The result, which shows the coefficient of 0.79 and 0.89, proves that the changes have an impact. Then, based on the runoff coefficient, planned rainfall intensity, and watershed area, the researchers found that the 25-year return period discharge for the Hydrograph Soil Conversion Service (SCS) increased by 25.42 m3/second, from 302.19 m3/second to 327. 61 m3/sec.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Boris Karlop Lumbangaol, Agustinus Purna Irawan , Wati A. Pranoto (Author)

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