Treasury Management, Non-Bank Financial Companies (NBFCs), Financial Practices, India And Kuwait, Economic EnvironmentsAbstract
The present comprehensive review delves into the treasury management practices of Non-Bank Financial Companies (NBFCs) in both Indian and Kuwait financial landscapes. The review strategically examines the primary objectives of treasury management practices. The methodology section elucidates the systematic approach employed in gathering and analyzing data related to reviews of the concerned topic at both International and National level. Through a meticulous investigation, the study identifies and dissects the challenges encountered by NBFCs, supplemented by insightful case studies. An analysis between India and Kuwait sheds light on variations in practices, contributing to a nuanced understanding of treasury management in diverse economic environments. The review culminates in the identification of best practices and recommendations, offering valuable insights for practitioners and policymakers. The abstract concludes by highlighting the implications of the findings and underscores the need for further research to explore evolving trends and challenges in NBFC treasury management, thereby shaping the trajectory of future research endeavors.
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