Compassion International Assisted Project, Non-Government Organization, Social Development, Cognitive Development, Health Development, Socio-emotional DevelopmentAbstract
This study was mainly focused to assess the role of Non-Government Organization in improving Social Development in Enchine Town. There are three Compassion International Assisted projects in Enchine Town and this study is on ET0324. Three variables are the subject matter of this study: cognitive development, health development and socio-emotional development. Descriptive research design was used and quantitative and qualitative approaches were employed. Methods for data collection were questionnaires, focused group discussions and key informant interviews. The NGO distributed 97.1% educational materials, organized tutorial classes, arranged school fees and extended medical support. Majority of the beneficiaries were more than happy. The project was working on caregivers Self-Help Group, local sponsorship and local fund raising. However, most of the beneficiaries focused only on delivered materials rather than future goals.
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