Banking, Finance, Spirituality, ResilienceAbstract
Purpose -The present study aims to probe into the determinants of managerial resilience from spiritual angel. For this purpose, Roja’s model of spirituality (2002) and Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (2003) has been considered. Design/methodology/approach -The data was collected from the managerial cadre employees from banking and finance sectors of India. Keeping in view of the hypotheses, appropriate statistical techniques with the help of IBM SPSS (version 25) have been carried out. Findings- Results/Findings indicate that spirituality has been recognized in Indian culture as an effective way to cope up with stressful and burnout conditions and hence it should be infused in Indian organizations. Research limitations/implications-The findings/results of the present study have several Implications for the banking and finance industry ranging from managerial resilience to spiritual development of managers. Originality/value-The present study contributes to the literature of workplace spirituality and managerial resilience and we believe that this is the first study which has applied Roja’s model of spirituality in relation to managerial resilience of employees who are working in banking and finance sector of India.
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