High Cr White Alloys, Abrasive Wear Rate, Subcritical Heat Treatment, Cat Iron, Cr/C RatiosAbstract
The main objective of this study is to investigate the abrasive wear behavior of different high-Cr cast iron alloys after hardening heat treatment process at 950oC. The abrasive wear rate after tempering heat treatment at different tempering temperature was also investigated. A number of high-Cr cast iron (HCI) alloys with various compositions and Cr/C ratios were tested under normal load of 40N and different sliding distances of 400, 800 and1200m. Wear tests were performed on the neurons pin-on-disk testing device, at sliding speed of 1 m.s-1. The current results presented that, the rate of wear of HCI alloys was markedly improved with the increasing the ratio of Cr/C. HCI alloys with lower Cr/C ratio showed the lowest abrasive wear rate while, high-Cr cast iron with higher Cr/C ratio displayed the highest wear rate at all heat treatment conditions and applied load. In addition, abrasive wear resistance of high-Cr cast iron was improved markedly after hardening heat treatment process at austenitizing temperature of 950oC.
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