Osmania University, Bradford Law, Scattering Of Journals, Citation Analysis, Leimkuhler Model, Collaborative Index, Collaborative InstitutionsAbstract
The purpose of this study is to analyze the application of Bradford’s Law of Scatteringto the Osmania University research publication. Also this paper presents an overview on scholarly contribution presented on Bradford law applied in different studies both theoretical as well as practical aspects of the law and it is being tested here. The data for this study has been taken from Web of Science for the period of 15 years (2003 - 2017) and it yielded 3270 articles and 27303 citations. A ranked list of journals has been prepared and it is found that “Russian Journal of General Chemistry” and “Journal of Alloys and Compounds” are most productive journals which have published each 1.8 percent of articles. As far as the implication of Bradford law is concern, in theoretical aspect this law does not fit, but the alternatives such as Leimkuhler model holds good for Osmania University Published research output.
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