
  • Chuma Opara NNADOZIE Senior Lecturer, Department of Library and Information Science, Federal University of Agriculture, Abia State, Nigeria. Author
  • Ifeka E. OKEKE Senior Lecturer, Department of Library and Information Science, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria. Author
  • Nnamdi E. ONYEKWEODIRI ICT Department, University Library, Federal University of Agriculture, Abia State, Nigeria. Author


User Studies, User Satisfaction, Public Libraries, South-Eastern Nigeria


Public libraries are important components of the educo-information infrastructure in any nation. As a government funded institution, the public library must justify its existence through the provision of relevant and satisfactory information services. This study investigated users’ satisfaction or displeasure with the facilities and services of major public libraries in SouthEastern Nigeria. The research design adopted was the survey method while the respondents consisted of two hundred and forty (240) users of public libraries located in four (4) of the five (5) the administrative centers, namely: Awka, Enugu, Owerri and Umuahia. Data collected through a customized questionnaire administered by a combination of availability and random sampling techniques were analyzed with the aid of frequency tables and simple percentages. Result shows that some respondents were satisfied with the collection of newspapers/magazines (36.7%), easy accessibility of the libraries (31.2%), as well as the stock of materials on local history i.e. Nigeriana (22.5%). On the other hand, many others were dissatisfied with the out-dated (30%) and deteriorating (25%) nature of the available titles, as well as the unavailability of desired information sources, including ICTs (21.2%). Overall, more respondents were dissatisfied (74.1%) with available resources, facilities and services compared to the 15.4% that were satisfied. The report concluded by providing a number of recommendations that would enhance user satisfactions in public libraries in Nigeria and other developing societies.



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Chuma O. Nnadozie, Juliana O. Akidi and Nnamdi E. Onyekweodiri. Journal Usage in Selected University and Polytechnic Libraries in Nigeria. International Journal of Library & Information Science, 4(3), 2015, pp. 26 - 39.




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