
  • Sergey Vladimirovich Shaytura Russian State University of Tourism and Service, Moscow Region, Russia. Author
  • Marina Daniilovna Knyazeva Russian State University of Tourism and Service, Moscow Region, Russia. Author
  • Valentina Mikhaylovna Feoktistova Russian State University of Tourism and Service, Moscow Region, Russia. Author
  • Tatyana Anatolyevna Vintova Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Russia. Author
  • Valeriy Aleksandrovich Titov Russian University of Economics, Russia. Author
  • Yuriy Pavlovich Kozhaev Sport, Youth and Tourism, Russian State University of Physical Education, Moscow, Russia. Author


Philosophy, Information Sphere, Noosphere, Information Field, Internet, Egregor, Information Exchange, System


The article presents a historical analysis of the philosophical interpretation of the terms “information”, “field”, “information field”, “information sphere”, “noosphere”. The concept of an information field is traced from ancient times to the present. The concept of the Earth noosphere as one of the main information fields of Earth is considered. The main properties of the information field are formulated. Information fields are classified with regard to topics and sphere of effect. The difference between the information field and information space is defined. Natural and artificial fields are highlighted and exemplified. Their peculiar features are formulated. Methods of control over humanity by information fields are considered. Levels and procedures of such control are highlighted. The levels of control over humanity by the information field are as follows: worldview, chronological, historical, economic, biochemical, and physical. The following technologies of control over humanity by information fields are considered: negation, programming of future, link disruption, substitution of reality with fiction, consumerism, arrested development, patent and copyright laws, hoarse speakers, mockers, and Overton windows, selfsynchronization. Natural and artificial fields are compared. It is concluded that the Internet is arranged similarly to natural information fields of Earth. Further development of information fields of Earth is forecasted




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