Byzantine Attack, Distribution Detection, Tree Topology, AODV, Polynomial Time AlgorithmAbstract
In tree based topology each and every nodes are participating on communication with other nodes. So it is major challenge to secure the data transmission between the nodes in the network as many types of attacks are generated in between the communication. Byzantine attack is one of the most important security thread as it interrupt the communication of nodes in the network and behave like a innocent nodes while participating normally. In Byzantine attack compromisation of nodes takes place in that condition it is very difficult to detect the innocent and malicious nodes, with the byzantine nodes many other attacks are deployed as Blackhole attack, wormhole attack, gray-hole attack, flood rushing attack, sinkhole attack etc. Routing protocols helps to provide the way through which the nodes can be able to communicate with each other. Also provide the cost associated with each node so as to differentiate investment of resources from each nodes as communication takes place. For securing the data transmission in a network algorithms proposed which will bound the faulty data transmission and also limits the resources usage by decreasing the investment of resources which takes part in communication. Performance will be measures in terms of parameter as packet delivery fraction, energy consumption, End-to-end delays.
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