
  • Hong-Sheung CHUI President, Gratia Christian College, HKSAR. Author


Traits Of Church Leaders, Commitment, Humility, Resilience, Integrity, Service, Teamwork


The study reviewed the trait approach to leadership of church leaders. With reference to Bible teaching and related literature review, six traits of church leaders, namely, Commitment, Humility, Resilience, Integrity, Service, and Teamwork (Acronym: CHRIST), were proposed as essential traits of church leaders to build up a Servant Leadership Culture. A measurement scale was developed and validated to contribute to future research studies of a church leadership model, including traits as antecedents. Confirmatory Factor Analysis showed that the measurement scale had reliability and validity. The measurement scale was psychometrically sound to measure six essential traits of church leaders with invariant properties for different gender and background such as Christian with or without service experience. The scale for measuring the six traits is the first of its kind. It can be used in future studies to examine the relationships among traits, vision, behaviours and outcomes of church leaders. It may also be used to identify emergent church leaders. A simplified scale of six items is also developed to measure the broad trait of church leaders with good psychometric and invariant properties. This Scale can also be used to measure the Culture of fellowship by the church members at large.


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