DEALING WITH LOSS -Coping with Yearning of Lost Livelihood - Case of Gaza
Dealing With Loss, War On Gaza, Palestine, Socioeconomic Impact, Livelihood Loss,, Psychological Impact, Integrative LossAbstract
The war on Gaza, which began in October 2023, led to the loss of lives and has been continuing for more than eight months, destroying everything that affects life and the components of society and its infrastructure, which has had profound psychological, social, and physical effects on the residents there. It has deepened the humanitarian, economic and social losses among the Palestinians, leading to a huge gap in all people’s means of living, maintaining the stability of their mental health, and a decent quality of life in general. These losses are not only immediate, but also have long-term effects on the social fabric and community resilience. This paper explores the deliberate strategies used by Israel to deepen Palestinian losses in Gaza since October 2023. The author explores the types and scale of losses suffered by Gazans and examines lessons learned in dealing with loss and longing for the past, from other similar conflicts that have occurred in the modern era. This paper proposes a variety of bottom-up, interdisciplinary, community-based approaches to dealing with feelings of loss and bereavement as well as feelings of heartbreak. The goal is to strengthen resilience, empower individuals, and promote a culture of compassion and solidarity in Gaza.
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