TPACK-21, Demographic Variables, High School TeachersAbstract
This study investigated the relationship between technostress, 21st-century Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK-21), and demographic variables among high school teachers in southern Bukidnon and Valencia City, Mindanao, Philippines, with 169 participants. Data was collected via a survey addressing demographic variables, technostress (Chen, 2018), and TPACK-21 (Valtonen at al., 2017), and analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, and multiple linear regression. Findings indicated moderate technostress levels with an average mean of 2.89, predominantly affecting teachers aged 30-39 and more females (57.4%). The teachers demonstrated a high level of TPACK-21 knowledge, with a grand mean of 3.97 across seven domains. Significant negative correlations were found between TPACK-21 variables and technostress, suggesting that increased TPACK-21 efficacy reduces technostress. Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Technological Content Knowledge, and Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge were key predictors, collectively explaining 69% of the variance in technostress. This insight suggests a need for DepEd administrators to revisit teacher training and implementation strategies to enhance teaching efficacy and manage technostress.
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