Generation Z, Gaza, Palestine, War On Gaza, Free-PalestineAbstract
This paper explores the profound impact of the 2023 War on Gaza on Generation Z (Gen-Z), those born between 1995–2009, and their attitudes towards social justice for the Palestinian cause. The author explores how Gen-Z's unique exposure has fostered them to empathise deeply with marginalised communities like the Palestinians. The study investigates the unified characteristics of Gen-Z, highlighting that the generational shift towards the War on Gaza and Free Palestine has influenced Gen-Z's life goals, values, and even their perception of life's meaning. A critical aspect of this research is the analysis of Gen-Z's psychological response to the oppressive occupation of Palestine, including overcoming denial about the facts of the Palestinian occupation and a heightened sense of urgency and belonging. The role of Gen-Z in redefining social justice in the context of the Gaza War is scrutinised, emphasising their critical engagement with media and news, and the implications of their activism starting from educational institutions. Methodologically, the paper employs a qualitative approach to understand the empathetic psychology of Gen-Z in relation to the War on Gaza, assessing their commitment and reactions to the political dynamics of the conflict. The research uses a deep analysis approach to understand the Gen-Z process of engagement currently and in the foresighted future, after synthensising their psychology and type of mindset. The analysis touches upon the generational gap in perspectives on a fair world and the inclination of Gen-Z towards a pro-Palestine stance. This work also set how to keep this important generation engaged, leading the global perspective on the issue of what has happened and is happening from the Genocide in Gaza and how to raise the bar towards achieving a realised social justice that would demolish the apartheid regime and end the occupation in Palestine. In conclusion, the paper posits that Gen-Z's engagement with the Palestinian cause can be viewed as both a trend and a phenomenon, reflecting a shift in political and social attitudes and broader implications for global engagement with social justice issues. The paper underscores the importance of keeping the momentum of the long-term impact of Gen-Z's activism on redefining and shaping the global perspectives on the Palestine Liberation Journey.
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