Evaluation, Physics, Teacher, Implementation, Curriculum, Davis Process ModelAbstract
This study evaluated Physics teachers Perception on the adequacy of infrastructure in the evaluation of the implementation of Physics curriculum using Davis process model among unity colleges in North Central Nigeria. The study was guided by 2 objectives, 2 research questions and one null hypotheses. The study used a descriptive survey research design. The population for the study consists of the 84 Physics teachers in all the Unity colleges in North-central Nigeria, Purposive sampling was employed to select Niger, Nasarawa, and the Federal Capital Territory out of the seven states in North central, Nigeria. A sample size of 20 male teachers and 14 female Physics teachers were randomly selected from the Unity colleges in the three selected states and were used in the study. The questionnaires used for data collection in the study were based on Davis Process Model. It was validated by three experts. The questionnaire was trial tested and the data obtained were subjected to statistical analysis using Cronbach Alpha Correlation Formula and reliability coefficient of 0.86 was obtained. Descriptive statistics of Mean and Standard Deviation were used to answer the research questions. Null hypotheses were analysed using Mann-Whitney U test. Findings of the study revealed that the teachers have positive perceptions on the adequacy of infrastructure towards the implementation of the Physics curriculum and the study also show that the null hypotheses were retained as there was no significant difference the perceptions of both male and female teachers on the availability of infrastructure for curriculum implementation. In light of the findings, it was recommended that, Physics teachers should have access to available infrastructure for effective curriculum implementation.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Fadipe Bayo Michael, F. C. Uwaechia , Kate Uzoamaka Wilfred-Bonse , Ezekwudo Celestina Chinyeye , Jibril Nma Mohammed (Author)

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