
  • Mukul Dagar MA (Counselling Psychology), India. Author
  • Raunaq Chawla Delhi University, India. Author


Cohabitation, Social Support, Premarital Counselling, Relationship Support


Relationship researchers have long studied factors that boost or detract from relationship success. Social support and premarital counselling are factors that have been shown to boost relationship satisfaction and relationship success. However, little is known about how relationship status may influence attitudes toward social support and premarital counselling. Cohabitation has become increasingly prevalent in modern societies, presenting unique challenges and opportunities for couples seeking to navigate intimate relationships. Counselling interventions tailored for cohabiting couples have emerged as a vital resource for addressing relational issues and enhancing overall well-being. This abstract provides a comprehensive overview of the outcomes of counselling interventions for cohabiting couples across diverse contexts and environments. Drawing from a synthesis of existing research literature, this review examines the efficacy of counselling interventions in improving relationship satisfaction, communication skills, conflict resolution, and overall relational functioning among cohabiting couples. The analysis encompasses various contexts, including cultural, socioeconomic, and demographic factors, as well as different environmental settings such as community-based programs, private therapy practices, and online counselling platforms. Furthermore, the review discusses emerging trends in counselling delivery, including the integration of technology-mediated interventions and the expansion of outreach efforts to underserved communities. It underscores the need for further research to explore the long-term effectiveness and sustainability of counselling interventions for cohabiting couples, as well as the development of innovative strategies to address evolving relationship dynamics in contemporary societies.



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