Cosmo-Economic, Sunspots Numbers, Human Behavior, USA President Election, Opinion PollsAbstract
Historically, the study of the world’s economy was classified into Micro-economic and Macro-economic. Perhaps, contemporary economists should learn from the ‘astronomists’ about the universe which we are part of it. This article shall name it as ‘Cosmo-Economic’. Many scientists have found that sunspots affect human behaviour. With all these evidence in mind, the aim of this exploratory research paper is to investigate how sunspot activities can affect the human decision on selecting their preferred national leader. This paper showed Harris has an edge over Trump updated to 2024-10-18. However from the finding of the “SETUP”, the latter should win the election. Of course, by the time this paper is published, the election will be over. Nevertheless, the author will NOT change the above conclusion based on the SETUP principle. Once proven, the model will be applicable for similar presidency / prime-minister elections for other countries round the World, as the Sunspot is global !
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