Quality Control, Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF), Hydrocarbons, Paraffins, Aviation Gasoline, Crude Oil, Refinery, Petroleum, Microbes, Microbial Contamination, Microbial Decontamination, Water Contamination, Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF), Aircraft Fuel Tank, Aircraft SafetyAbstract
Aviation in itself is not inherently dangerous, but like the sea, it is terribly unforgiving of incompetence, carelessness, and neglect. In the aviation industry, fuel is an expensive part of Aviation Operations and in the life of an aircraft, fuel is the single greatest expense. This paper primarily focuses on the Quality Control (QC) of Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF) although Aviation Gasoline has been included wherever required. The purpose of this paper is to make the readers understand the importance of QC of ATF, its methods, requirements, and its consequences. It presents a brief history of the evolution of Crude Oil and how it is transformed and produced into petroleum in the refinery. This paper illustrates the types of Kerosene-based fuels and the reasons for their selection for use in certain geographical areas. In addition, it provides insight into the Aircraft Fuel Supply Chain and Distribution to make the reader comprehend its significance for QC and Aircraft Safety. The types of contamination and in particular Microbial Contamination have been emphasized to realize its impact on Aircraft Safety and how it contributes to catastrophic accidents. This Paper studies the conventional methods employed to address Microbial Contamination, how Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) is contaminated with Aviation Fuel, and how it contributes to the loss of power resulting in Aircraft Accidents and precautions to prevent DEF Contamination. Furthermore, it highlights the safety precautions observed during Refueling/Defueling, general precautions to be followed to prevent Health and Safety hazards while handling Aviation Fuel, and the research progress on Microbial Decontamination, testing methods of Microbial Contamination, and their influence on testing time and improvement in Aircraft Availability and Safety. Finally, it explores how QC of the ATF is carried out in a typical aviation military base, and how Aviation Fuel is handled to make flying safer.
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