Piping System, CAESAR II, Solid Works, Stress Analysis, ASME Standard, FEMAbstract
The objective of this project is to analyze stresses, elemental forces & displacement in pipe. It is done by modeling the pipe and analyzing the stresses in piping using CAESAR software. Then stresses in pipe are also analyzed in Finite Elemental Method of solid works. Piping stress Analysis includes the calculation of stresses, loads and deflections under static loading conditions. The main reason for the analysis of stresses on a piping system is to ensure that the piping is well supported and does not fall or deflect under its own weight and also to ensure that the deflection is under the limit when thermal loading takes place. Then the result from two methods are compared to optimize the design for thickness reduction of the pipe. Stress analysis determines the forces exerted in the pipe, anchor points, restrains in piping system, stress induced in pipe must be checked against the allowable limits. After analyzing the results, stress in the pipe are reduced by adding supports or any other modification in the pipe design. The comparison of the stresses analyzed from CAESAR II and FEM is done for the first time
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Copyright (c) 2020 Gengadevi R, Karunakaran S , Ashok M, Kishanth R, Subash M, Durai P (Author)

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