Al2024, PBSN, Tribology, Wear, FrictionAbstract
This study presents a comparative analysis of the tribological properties of Al2024 alloy and Al2024 alloy reinforced with PbSn. Al2024, an aluminum alloy known for its high strength and fatigue resistance, is widely used in aerospace and automotive industries. The addition of PbSn aims to enhance the wear resistance and frictional behavior of Al2024, potentially extending its applications and improving its performance under demanding conditions. This study examines the tribological performance of the self-healing Al2024+PbSn alloy compared to pure Al2024. Results show that the self-healing alloy exhibits higher friction and wear. Friction decreases with increasing load but rises with speed, while wear escalates with both load and speed increases. Sliding distance significantly affects the coefficient of friction for the self-healing alloy. Using the Taguchi method, the wear performance under dry sliding conditions was analyzed, highlighting the influence of load, speed, and sliding distance. Regression analysis reveals that load and sliding distance are critical, contributing 42% and 43% to wear, respectively, for solder-filled Al2024 samples. Speed also impacts wear, contributing 23.6% for pure Al2024 and 17.5% for Al2024+PbSn samples.
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