Low-intensity, Automation, Irrigation Technique, Regulatory, Reference, Data Bank, Controller, Communications, Object, SensorsAbstract
With the correct process management, low-intensity irrigation allows not only to drastically reduce water consumption for irrigation of agricultural crops, but also to provide the necessary microclimate for plants and the supply of water and fertilizers in the required amount directly to the root zone of plants, which contributes to the earlier entry of plants into the season fruiting and increased productivity while reducing water per unit of crop and reducing production costs. For this, we have developed a perfect safe technological system of automated irrigation based on IDAD with automated control of the controlled potential moisture supply of the plant, an optimized irrigation regime taking into account the controlled soil and agroclimatic parameters that affect the growth and development of the plant phase, while maintaining the ecological environment that contributes to obtaining a guaranteed and high-quality yield per unit area meeting the requirement of mi ovyh standards. The system of low-intensity irrigation created by the results of the study compared to traditional surface irrigation methods is more technologically demanding and in the remote areas from settlements it is difficult to provide qualified service; to ensure their possible efficiency, they require complex automation of the irrigation technological process.
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Copyright (c) 2022 B.H. Aliyev , Z.H. Aliev (Author)

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