
  • Ishaan Batish Department of Internal Medicine, Sri Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Amritsar, India. Author


Quantum Computing, Healthcare, Technology, Drug Discovery


To investigate possible future applications, this presentation will offer an overview of the status of quantum computing in the health industry. By significantly increasing the speed and precision of numerous operations including drug discovery, customized medicine, and medical imaging, quantum computing has the potential to change a broad variety of sectors, including healthcare. The numerous uses of quantum computing in the health sector are revealed, as well as the present level of research in this field, via a survey of the available literature on the subject. Although technology is still in its early phases of development, this study indicates that quantum computing has the potential to completely transform the healthcare industry. However, further research is required to properly comprehend the implications of quantum computing in healthcare. Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques are used in precision medicine to explore novel genotypes and phenotypes data. The main aims of precision medicine include early diagnosis, screening, and personalized treatment regime for a patient based on genetic-oriented features and characteristics. The main objective of this study was to review AI techniques and their effectiveness in neoplasm precision medicine.



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