Cloud Computing, ICT Projects, Software (SW) DevelopmentAbstract
Modern organisations have found cloud-based project management to be a great tool for productive collaboration and progress tracking. Cloud computing provides an accessible and versatile platform for efficient project management, which is especially useful with distributed teams and remote work becoming the norm. In this paper, we'll look at how cloud-based project management tools and processes can improve team collaboration, communication, and real-time progress monitoring. The distributed nature of many SW development organisations makes management a challenge. The cloud is quickly becoming a viable option in this context. Also, by incorporating new information and communication technologies into old management practices, project management is sloppy. In order to administer New-ICT services in a Cloud Computing environment, the thesis suggests a user-friendly integrated management system that unifies the activities of different projects. With this method consolidating data and information from various projects into one, project management is predicted to increase management efficiency when used to new information and communication technology service projects. This technique is based on software as a service (SaaS) cloud computing.
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