Healthcare Cybersecurity, Electronic Health Records (EHR), Telehealth Privacy, Employee Cybersecurity TrainingAbstract
The healthcare industry's reliance on digital technologies has increased in recent years. With electronic health records, telemedicine, and connected healthcare medical devices, there is more and more dependency now than before to provide better health outcomes to patients, improve operational efficiency, and bolster medical research. However, cyberattackers are exploiting the industry’s reliance on technology, as evident from the rapidly changing threat landscape. Ransomware, phishing, and data breaches have become commonplace. This article aims to explore the cybersecurity challenges specific to the healthcare sector and discuss practical solutions and best practices for preserving patient trust in the digital age.
By examining various aspects of healthcare cybersecurity, including EHR security, medical device security, telehealth privacy, and compliance with regulations, this article aims to provide insights and recommendations for healthcare organizations to strengthen their cybersecurity posture and safeguard patient data effectivel
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