Law, Education, Legal Development, Educational Equity, Legislative PoliciesAbstract
The intersection of education and law is pivotal in shaping access and equity in education systems worldwide. Legal frameworks play a critical role in promoting equal access to educational opportunities, safeguarding the rights of marginalized groups, and addressing systemic inequalities. This paper reviews the influence of major legal developments on educational equity, with a focus on landmark legal cases, legislative policies, and global perspectives. By examining the impact of legal decisions, such as Brown v. Board of Education in the United States, and the role of international agreements like the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the review explores how legal mechanisms have been employed to ensure fairness in educational access. Additionally, survey data on stakeholders’ perceptions of the role of law in education is presented to underscore contemporary challenges and successes. The findings highlight the ongoing need for legal reforms to address barriers to equitable education, while also recognizing areas where law has successfully contributed to inclusivity.
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