Shared Vision, Leadership/Collaboration, School Based Management, Professional Development, Structural Equation ModelAbstract
Purpose: In recent decades, numerous countries have reformed their education systems through School Based Management (SBM) to enhance the quality of education in schools. In 2019, the Education Bureau established a Task Force to review and improve SBM's implementation. These initiatives are based on the belief that SBM can enhance school innovation by empowering teachers to engage in decision-making, fostering leadership/collaboration, and improving student achievement. Methodology/Approach: This research used a cross-sectional survey with a questionnaire developed to measure the four constructs in this study: Shared Vision (Innovation), Participation in Decision-making, Professional Development and Leadership/Collaboration. Structural Equation Modelling technique was deployed to generate academically rigorous results. Findings: The results of this study find that teachers have positive perception of their shared vision, participation in decision-making, professional development, leadership/collaboration under the implementation of SBM. Shared Vision has significant positive effects on other three constructs. The findings give initial support to the effective implementation of SBM as supported by teachers’ positive perception of the main features of SBM-SVM. Research Limitation/Implication: The original intension was to measure the outcome of change of style of management to the students. Unforutnately, as a norm, public examination results from the Diploma of Secondary Education (DSE) are kept confidential by all schools in Hong Kong (HK). Originality/Value of paper: The above summary of SBM is insightful. In order to integrate the various facets and challenges surrounding SBM to achieve innovative execution, a research framework (SBM-SVM) has been proposed.
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