Faculty Feedback, Gender, Academic Institutions, Performance Appraisal, Mixed-Method ResearchAbstract
The present study experimentally examines the role of gender, allurement, and subjects in determining the feedback of faculty members who are working in a reputed private university located in northern part of India. By applying a standard feedback scale (, various dimensions (time sense, subject command, use of teaching methods/teaching aids, helping attitude, and class control) of faculty’s feedback have been analyzed. In addition, to Kurtosis and Skewness, Independent Sample t-test has been carried out. Results suggests that feedback given by students should not be the only basis of performance appraisal of faculty members. It has been found that gender of students and the nature of the subjects have effect on feedback of faculty member. The study contributes to the design of effective feedback process in academic institutions so that they serve the evaluative and developmental objectives of its faculty members. The present study is original in the sense that it has been conducted experimentally and questionnaire-based survey thereby indicating mixed-method of research design as suggested by Kuriakose (2023). The study findings will catalyze the improvement of performance appraisal processes (Khtere, 2020) in educational institutions, where feedback of faculty by students is an important component.
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