Data Governance, Leveraging GCP, Security, CloudAbstract
The volume and complexity of data is always increasing, and organisations are becoming more adept at using data, which in turn is creating new needs for various methods of data aggregation, manipulation, storage, and presentation. The reality of running a business is becoming too much for data management systems to handle on its own, and progressive businesses have come to this realisation. On the other hand, they have started to see that robust data governance is crucial to solving the data problem. Past efforts at data governance were unsuccessful due to IT-driven, inflexible processes and fragmented, system-by-system approaches. Governance has traditionally been informal, happening in silos around specific enterprise repositories, and there has been a lack of organisational support and structure. With the rise of cloud computing and its widespread use, experts are paying more attention to the topic of data governance, which is surprisingly understudied. Initial studies aimed at creating efficient cloud-based data governance systems are detailed in this article. The significance of data governance in the cloud is discussed in this paper in a way that is both informative and accessible to cloud providers and consumers. Next, the research provides a theoretical basis for the system's development along with a five-stage procedure.
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