Large Language Models, Clickstream Data Analysis, E-Commerce, Personalized Recommendations, Real-Time Interface Adaptations, Consumer BehaviorsAbstract
Machine learning and clickstream data analysis together have become a game-changing method for improving e-commerce systems. In the context of e-commerce, this study offers a systematic assessment of the application of machine learning to forecast customer purchase choices, uncover engagement factors, and enhance user interfaces. The information utilized in this study, which use machine learning to analyze customer behavior in e-commerce, was acquired from many databases between 2004 and Sep 2023. With the use of machine learning, which offers revolutionary insights into personalizing shopping experiences and streamlining user interfaces, customers enjoy simple and effortless shopping trips through to predictive analytics, tailored suggestions, and real-time interface adjustments. To fully utilize machine learning in e-commerce analytics, however, a variety of issues like interpretability, algorithmic openness, and data protection need to be resolved.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Sonika Koganti, Advaitha Naidu Chintakunta, Vinoth Kumar Kolluru, Yudhisthir Nuthakki, Sudeep Mungara (Author)

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