
  • Ankush Reddy Sugureddy Lead Engineer, Data Insights, Cloudflare Inc, Dallas, USA. Author


Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Data Governance, Data Quality, Security, Machine Learning


The governance of data is a vital component for every organization, but it is of utmost significance in situations when there are a significant number of users both within the organization and beyond its boundaries or boundaries. To ensure that only authorized users are able to access the required data, it is essential necessary to implement governance policies that are both effective and efficient. Although many organizations have governance boards, problems continue to exist, which results in weaknesses inside the system. This study presents an inquiry into the ways in which modern technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, have the potential to improve data governance procedures within enterprises. Specifically, the study focuses on how these technologies can improve operations. There is an analysis of the limitations that are inherent in conventional methods, as well as insights into the tactics that might be applied to improve governance practices, which are both included in the framework of this debate.



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