
  • Nivedhaa N India Author


Database Security,  Ai, Blockchain, User Behavior Analytics, Threats And Attacks, Security Policy Implementation, Cybersecurity


 In contemporary society, information stands as a paramount and indispensable asset. The field dedicated to the study of information is known as Information Science. Information Science encompasses various aspects of information management, spanning from the collection, selection, organization, processing, and management to the dissemination of information and content. Information Technology, a pivotal player in this domain, comprises distinct components such as Database Technology, Web Technology, Networking Technology, Multimedia Technology, and traditional Software Technology. Each of these technologies contributes to the evolution and functionality of our society.
Database Technology, a subset of Information Technology, is particularly concerned with databases. Notably, a database serves as a repository for interconnected data housed within a structured container or base. The data stored in a database assumes diverse forms, and Database Technology assumes a central role in addressing matters related to databases. The significance of databases has surged in recent times, finding applications in a myriad of organizations and institutions, encompassing both profit-making and non-profit sectors.
Today, numerous organizations and sectors entrusted with sensitive and crucial data opt to store such information within databases, elevating the significance of database security. The security of large-scale databases relies heavily on diverse defensive mechanisms. This paper delves into the fundamentals of databases, exploring their meaning, characteristics, and role, with a particular emphasis on the various security challenges encountered in the database realm.
This paper sheds light on the foundational aspects of security management and the tools employed in safeguarding databases. It comprehensively addresses different dimensions of database security in a straightforward manner, providing insights into the multifaceted landscape of securing valuable information in contemporary databases.



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How to Cite

Nivedhaa N. (2024). A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS OF CURRENT TRENDS IN DATA SECURITY. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CYBER SECURITY (IJCS), 2(1), 1-16. https://lib-index.com/index.php/IJCS/article/view/1787