
  • Vishnu Vardhan Reddy Chilukoori Amazon.com Services LLC, USA Author
  • Srikanth Gangarapu AT&T Services Inc, USA. Author
  • Abhishek Vajpayee Metropolis Technologies, USA. Author


Data Warehouse Migration, Cloud-Based Data Lakes, ETL Process Adaptation, Performance Optimization, Big Data Technologies


This comprehensive article explores the migration process from legacy data warehouses to cloud-based data lakes, addressing the growing need for scalable and flexible data management solutions in the face of exponential data growth. It covers key aspects of the migration journey, including assessment and planning, data modeling considerations, ETL process adaptation, technical implementation, performance optimization, and common challenges with their solutions. The article provides practical guidance, best practices, and real-world insights to help organizations successfully navigate this complex transition. A case study of a financial services company migrating from a SAS environment to a Hadoop/Spark ecosystem illustrates the challenges and benefits of such a migration, offering valuable lessons for other organizations undertaking similar projects.


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How to Cite

Vishnu Vardhan Reddy Chilukoori, Srikanth Gangarapu, & Abhishek Vajpayee. (2024). MIGRATING LEGACY DATA WAREHOUSES TO CLOUD-BASED DATA LAKES: A PRACTICAL APPROACH WITH REAL-WORLD LESSONS. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (IJCET), 15(4), 238-250. https://lib-index.com/index.php/IJCET/article/view/IJCET_15_04_020