
  • Bigirimana Theoneste lanzhou jiaotong university, Lanzhou, China. Author
  • Wang XU lanzhou jiaotong university, Lanzhou, China. Author
  • Li Renjie lanzhou jiaotong university, Lanzhou, China. Author
  • Kundwa Marie Judith lanzhou jiaotong university, Lanzhou, China. Author


Risk, Delay, Risk Management, Delay Effects, Mitigation Measures, RII


Road construction projects in Rwanda are exposed to a wide variety of risk factors causing delay including change of scope, right of way, poor project management, adverse weather condition, construction and environmental related risks. The very crucial concern of the project management is to keep and attain the project objectives through minimizing and exposing risks and uncertainties that impede the successful project delivery. This research deeply analyses the top risk factors leading to road engineering construction project delays in Rwanda, their effects to the projects, and possible mitigation measures. By the use of Relative Importance Index (RII), data from respondents were analyzed and ranked. Change of scope, Sponsor/Client’s financial and payment difficulties, land acquisition, poor project management, and poor planning and scheduling are on top of causes; Time overrun, cost overrun and negative social impact are the most effects resulted from delay; measures like: having a collaborative and integrated team, Increased communication and transparency, and The use of BIM (building information modelling) were ranked the top mitigation measures to the risks of delay. A case study was done to one road Construction Company to examine delay in the projects carried out in 10 years. The research concluded that risk management must be the chief aim of parties involved in the projects execution and proper risk plan has to be designed and taken. It is therefore recommended to identify, assess and mitigate the risks of delay from the very early stage of inception before carrying out the project.


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