Waste Minimization, Cost Reduction, Waste ManagementAbstract
Construction is a vital connection to the infrastructure and growth of industry in India. Building roads, bridges and other constructed facilities play an important role in shaping society’s future. Consequently, the construction Industry produces a vast quantity of waste which is environmentally unfriendly, and costly to project budgets. This study aimed to find out how much construction waste is costing construction project budgets, and attempted to make recommendations to the industry on how profits can be maximized and how the waste can be minimized. For the empirical investigation, a mixed methodology was used which combined questionnaire and interview data from stakeholders in the road construction sector, together with documentary and observational data, to examine the issue of construction waste and cost management. The research revealed that a number of construction companies in India, do not adhere to international best practices and standards. Practices such as site waste management plan, waste minimization strategies were found to be non- existent in these companies. A number of recommendations were made to improve the practices of the construction firms as per the need to train every construction employee on waste management and also recommended for government agencies to monitor and enforce rule of waste management in the construction industry.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Soumya Gupta, R K Pandey, C S Mishra, A K Rai (Author)

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