Durability, High Performance Concrete, Chloride Ion PermeabilityAbstract
This paper focusses on the influence of aggregate gradation, cement content, micro silica and superplasticiser on durability of High Performance concrete (HPC). As the first step, an optimum aggregate gradation (for 20 mm size aggregates), derived from packing density test results, is proposed. HPC Specimens were tested for initial surface absorption, water absorption, sorptivity and chloride ion permeability. The results indicate that for given micro silica (MS), there exists a unique superplasticiser (SP) dosage that yields the best results and this value increases with increase in micro silica. Comparing mixes with same powder content,it is seen that the one having the higher cement content exhibitslesser absorption and permeability. The study emphasises the complex inter-relationship between the quantities of cement, MS and SP to be used to obtain a durable mix.
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