Ecological Models, Gastrointestinal Diseases, Health-Disease Function, Water PollutionAbstract
Currently, one of most severe environmental problems is the high levels of pollution of many of drinking water bodies in India. The present research is focuses on the relationship between total coliform bacteria levels and the increase of human digestive tract diseases in the highly polluted water in the various drinking water source of Bhopal. Aim of the studied to find out what is the connection between gastrointestinal diseases and water bodies of Bhopal by conducting an online survey with questions related to the topic. This survey was particularly based for the residents in Bhopal where a total of 333 respondents were surveyed. Most of the respondents were aged 18-25 years old. Out of all the respondents, majority were the females. Around 68.5 % respondents were the local residents of Bhopal who have been there in Bhopal for around 1- 5 years. A majority of people were from the western part of the Bhopal and were also aware about the gastrointestinal diseases. The results presented here are the first of their kind of this water bodies and will serve as basis for future research exploring other similarly contaminated riparian communities. As the causes of pollution are directly related to the economic development and population growth of the region, further research should be conducted for prevention of diseases, educational programs, water remediation and conservation programs that will have a positive impact on the quality of life of the population presently at risk.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Varsha Nigam Gour, Anita Yadav , Shristi Bhargava , Ashlesha Shukla (Author)

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