
  • Santosh Kumar Sharma Professor, Rajagiri Business School, India. Author


Management, Business, Innovation, India


The present study aims to probe into the innovation pattern among management students of business schools in India. For this purpose, three different studies have been conducted in three geographically dispersed business schools of northern, central, and southern locations of India. For the first study, data was collected from the management students about their innovation score with the help of a standard questionnaire. For the second study data was collected through a modified version of a standard questionnaire in addition to the marks obtained by the students in the subject known as ‘legal aspects of business’ during end-term examination. Appropriate statistical analysis with the help of IBM SPSS (version 25) have been carried out for the first and second study. For the third study, a reputed case study written by eminent author of IIM Bengaluru was distributed to the students and they were asked to respond against four different questions based on the given case. These responses were analyzed by an expert professor of human resource management who had corporate experience too in addition to academic experience. For the third study responses were categorized in binary values (innovative and non-innovative) and accordingly logistic regression analysis has been carried out. Results of the first study indicate that most of the management students in India are average in innovation. Result of second study indicate that the present educational system especially evaluation of student’s academic performance in India is redundant and thus not able to contribute in producing innovative minds. From the results of third study, it is evident that management students of the selected sample lack in innovations which is possibly due to obsolete teaching and learning methods which are used in business schools of India and thereby there is a dire need of academic revamp in the Indian education system. The results of the present study have several implications for the educational leaders, academicians, and researchers. However, due to small sample size, results of all three studies may not be replicated in other academic and geographical contexts. First and second study represents available research gap in the given academic context and thereby add values to the existing body of knowledge in the area of innovation. For the third study, we have used case study-based evaluation of innovation among management students of business schools in India, which is possibly the first of its kind.



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