
  • Hind, A. Salih Department of Animal Production. Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, University of Kordofan El-Obied, Sudan. Author
  • I. Bushara Department of Animal Production. Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, University of Kordofan El-Obied, Sudan. Author
  • Ibrahim Elimam Department of Animal Biotechnology, Faculty of Animal Production, University of East Kordofan, Sudan. Author
  • Fathia, G.I. Godah Minstery of Agricultural and Fishering, El-Obied, North Kordofan State, Sudan. Author


Goat, Desert, Kids, Supplementation, Birth Weight, Growth Rate, Weaning, Sudan


The experiment was conducted in ELobied locality, Northern Kordofan state, to evaluate the effect of supplementation of residual sesame capsule on growth performances of grazing Desert kids. Thirty seven (37) Sudanese desert kids were used in this experiment. Kids were divided to four groups as (B, C, D) supplemented and group (A) unsupplemented as control depends on natural grazing only. Supplemented kids were allocated to three feeding regimes in a complete random design. The results indicated that the supplementary rations that given to the experimental goats, had highly significant (p<0.01) effect on kid birth weight, heavier at birth than control group (1.99±0.12, 2.42±0.11 and 2.22±0.12kg for B, C and D groups respectively versus 1.85±0.13kg for control). The results reveled that supplementary ration had no significant effect on kid growth from after birth up to 8th weeks pre –kidding, but during 8-12th week did. Also ration that offered to kids significantly (p<0.01) effected body weight at weaning and daily gain. The heavier weaning weight for groups B, C and D were 9.14, 9.55 and 9.47 kg vs 8.46 kg for A group with lightest weaning weight. Results showed that the effect of supplementary feeding was exerted no significant effect on pre weaning mortality rate. Highest rates were scored by group B 22% whereby group A, C and D were scored 12%, 9 % and 11% respectively. It may be concluded that the supplementation of with residues of sesame capsule had showed an impact on birth, growth rate and weaning weight of Desert kids under traditional farming system



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