Biodiversity, Chintamani Kar Bird Sanctuary, Odonata, Shannon- Wiener Index, Simpson IndexAbstract
Species records of protected areas by creating checklists and updating them is crucial to understand species distribution, dynamics and possible threats to them. Chintamani Kar Bird Sanctuary is a protected area famed for its wide variety of floral and faunal diversity, located in close proximity to the metropolis of Kolkata and odonata is real flagship taxa of freshwater ecosystems, often used as indicator species to assess the quality of their close environment. Adult odonata (both suborder- Anisoptera; Dragonfly & Zygoptera; Damselfly) needs resource-rich terrestrial habitats for maturation, feeding, resting, and mating. Species diversity indices like Simpson and Shannon are applied to analyze the odonatan population diversity in this protected area. Our study of odonata populations has been made for the first time in this protected area. As far as species richness is concerned, the family Libellulidae is found to be dominant among Anisoptera whereas species of the family Coenagrionidae is dominant among Zygoptera. Our observations support the importance of this region in providing valuable habitats for Odonata.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Indraneel Saha, Suvajit Dey , Swagata Palit (Author)

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