
  • Zemene Worku Department of Animal Sciences, Jimma University, Ethiopia. Author
  • Melaku Mulugeta Department of Animal Sciences, Jimma University, Ethiopia. Author
  • Ahmad Seid Department of Animal Sciences, Jimma University, Ethiopia. Author
  • Lemessa Debela Department of Biomedical Sciences, Jimma University, Ethiopia. Author


Feed Additives, Nutrient Composition, Blood Chemistry, Meat Sensory Analysis


The aim of this experiment was to measure the consequences of various levels of garlic powder supplementation on selected biochemical parameters, carcass quality, and organ size of Cobb500 broilers chicken. A total of 180 unsexed day-olds unsexed chicks were arbitrarily apportioned to four dietary treatments inside three imitates during a totally randomized plan. The dietary treatments consisted of G1=control (basal diet +0% garlic powder), G2 (basal diet +1% garlic powder, G3 (basal diet+3% garlic powder), G4 (basal diet+5% garlic powder). Data on the parameters were collected and subjected to the general linear model procedure of SAS version 9.3, 2011. Garlic powder significantly (p<0.05) reduced cholesterol to the amount of 108.5±9.19 mg/dl and triglycerides to 77.16±12.15mg/dl). It also significantly (p<0.05) increased the yield of dressed weight, breast, and drumstick meat of broilers. Sensory characteristics and chemical composition of the meat were also significantly influenced by garlic powder. Thus, it's concluded that supplementation of garlic powder at 1-3% level could also be promising in broiler carcass characteristics while further studies are required



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