2 Degree of Freedom (DoF) torsion system can be used to demonstrate the torsional dynamics and the effect of flexible coupling between the actuator and the load encountered in real world control applications. In this work 2 DoF torsion system is considered and 2DoF PID Controller is designed for controlling the angular position of the rotational load of the system. The plant consists of a rotary servo-base unit which includes a DC servomotor in a cubic solid aluminium frame to which the gear train is attached. Its horizontal shaft rotates the flexible coupling attached to the rotational load. Multiple torsional loads can be attached to the rotary servo-base unit. In this work, two torsional loads are attached to the rotary base unit and hence called 2 DoF torsion system. The angular position of the flexible load is to be controlled by applying the control voltage to armature of the DC servomotor in order to generate the required torque. Effectiveness of the controller has been achieved from the simulation result. Comparison of result with PID controller and proving that 2 DOF PID shows better performance.
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