Aeroelasticity, Aerospace Engineering, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Gust Load Analysis, Wind Tunnel TestingAbstract
Wind tunnels have been instrumental in advancing aerospace technology since their inception, serving as critical tools for aerodynamic testing, design validation, and performance optimization. This comprehensive review examines the state-of-the-art applications of wind tunnels in modern aerospace engineering, focusing on three key areas: tail buffeting analysis, wing analysis, and gust load analysis. The paper synthesizes findings from numerous studies, highlighting the synergy between experimental wind tunnel testing and computational methods. It explores advanced measurement techniques, such as pressure-sensitive paint and particle image velocimetry, and their role in enhancing our understanding of complex aerodynamic phenomena. The review also discusses the challenges and limitations of current wind tunnel testing methods, particularly in low Reynolds number regimes and the simulation of complex atmospheric conditions. Furthermore, it examines the crucial role of wind tunnels in validating computational fluid dynamics models and their application in developing novel aircraft configurations, including blended wing-body designs and flexible high-aspect-ratio wings. By providing a holistic view of wind tunnel applications in aerospace engineering, this review serves as a valuable resource for researchers, engineers, and students, while also identifying promising directions for future research in this field.
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