Gaza War 2023, Violence, Survival Techniques, Genocide, Rwanda, Cambodia, Vietnam, Leningrad, Bosnia, Algeria, PalestineAbstract
The violence used in the recent war on Gaza 2023, is beyond any human imagination. Based on the extensive review of the challenging situations in Gaza and the type of violence used, the researchers categorized the types of violence and then provided insights and learning points from the survival mechanisms developed during the wars. Learning points from the survival used against violence from cases of recent history wars in Bosnia, Leningrad (Russia), Vietnam, Cambodia, Rwanda, and Algeria are synthesized to bring creative opportunities for Gaza's resilience journey towards freedom. The focus here is to bring improvement of the 'capacity' of Gazans to survival vs. the survival 'demand' towards the fierce brutal violence on Gazans during the war of 2023 and after its math, depending on the type of violence used by the Israeli forces. A framework is proposed to help in analysing the type of tools that could be brought as per the type of violence Gazans are experiencing. The outcome of this paper confirms that even though surviving genocide is hard and that very few can endure, it is still possible given that Gazans develop further the mindset that helps to learn more alternative ways of survival as per the type of violence exerted on them.
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