
  • Saugat Nayak Author


Fintech, Customer Acquisition, Direct Marketing, Partnership Marketing, Big Data, Machine Learning, Predictive Analytics, Data Visualization, Marketing Strategies, Customer Retention


The current development of the fintech industry has caused drastic changes to customer acquisition; therefore, marketing methods are a vital consideration for companies. This paper compares two significant approaches, this dissertation will focus on the two forms of relationship marketing with particular reference to fintech organizations: direct marketing and partnership marketing. Direct marketing that includes paid media channels, including AdWords, social media, and electronic mail marketing, is generally expensive and may not be easy to disseminate. However, partnership marketing, which entails cooperation with brokers, aggregators, and financial houses, constitutes a cheaper means of obtaining customers by leveraging existing links. The paper also looks into how big data, machine learning, and data visualization tools can be used in these marketing strategies as this can show how these technologies can be used in increasing customer targeting and conversion rates as well as overall reduction of customer acquisition cost. Furthermore, this paper outlines the ethical issues, challenges, and prospects in Fintech marketing, focusing on the integration of data and the possible pitfalls of dependence on partners. The study results imply that the optimal strategy with direct and partnership marketing in combination with analytical tools can provide the most attractive perspective for further development of fintech businesses and provide them with claims to sustainable competitive advantage given the existing tendencies in the market.


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