
  • Udit Patel Author


Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFWs), Network Security, Deep Packet Inspection (DPI), Application Awareness, Control, Intrusion Prevention System, SSL/TLS Inspection, User Identity Awareness, Advanced Threat Protection (ATP), Cyber Threats, Security Policies


In the context of the modern world, where the threats are increasing at a very high pace, conventional firewalls cannot secure the networks. This article aims to describe the Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFWs) and their importance in modern networks. NGFWs, therefore, stand as a remarkable improvement of traditional firewalls since some of their attributes include DPI, application awareness, integrated IPS, SSL/TLS inspection, awareness of user identity, and enhanced threat prevention. All these features help the NGFWs in threats that a conventional firewall cannot identify or prevent and thus are crucial in combating modern, sophisticated threats. The article also discusses some of the issues involved in NGFW deployment and management that are related to the complexity of its deployment, the impact on performance, and how it handles encrypted traffic. In addition, the evolution of NGFW is also discussed, with a focus on innovative features of NGFW, including artificial intelligence and machine learning. The relationships between NGFWs and other security solutions, as well as their impact on regulatory compliance, are also examined. It is expected that as organizations transform and incorporate more of the cloud and hybrid setups, NGFWs will similarly become more crucial in their security plans. As exemplified in this analysis, NGFWs play a critical role in today’s network security, and further challenges need to be addressed as the networks evolve.


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