
  • Victor O. Hammed Department of Nanotechnology, North Carolina A&T States University, Greensboro NC, USA. Author
  • Taiwo Oluwanisola Omoloja Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Abuja, Nigeria. Author
  • Yohannes T. Ogbandrias Department of Earth and Environment, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA. Author
  • Coolin-Campbell M. Zor Department of Economic and Finance, University of North Dakota, USA. Author
  • Daniel Edet Eyo Mechanical Engineering, (School of Computing, Engineering and Digital Technology, SCEDT), Teesside University, Middlesbrough, UK. Author
  • Olasupo Baiyewunmi Department of Mechanical Engineering (Renewable Energy), School of Engineering, University of Derby, UK. Author


Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Environmental Sustainability, Zero Emissions, Global Climate Change, Greenhouse Gases, Carbon Sequestration, Carbon Storage


As the global community intensifies efforts to combat climate change, the role of carbon dioxide (CO2) management has emerged as a pivotal factor in the journey toward zero emissions and sustainability. This paper explores the innovative approaches to harnessing CO2, transforming it from a significant greenhouse gas into a valuable resource [1, 2]. By examining the latest advancements in carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies, this research underscores the potential of these strategies to mitigate climate change while supporting sustainable economic growth. The study also evaluates the policy frameworks and economic incentives necessary to scale these technologies globally, highlighting the integration of CO2 harnessing in the broader context of circular economy principles. The findings suggest that the effective management of CO2 is not only essential for achieving net-zero emissions but also for fostering a sustainable future that balances environmental, social, and economic objectives. This paper aims to contribute to the discourse on sustainable development by presenting CO2 harnessing as a cornerstone in the 21st-century strategy for addressing climate change and promoting long-term ecological balance.


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How to Cite

Victor O. Hammed, Taiwo Oluwanisola Omoloja, Yohannes T. Ogbandrias, Coolin-Campbell M. Zor, Daniel Edet Eyo, & Olasupo Baiyewunmi. (2024). HARNESSING CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2): A CRUCIAL FACTOR IN ATTAINING ZERO EMISSIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY IN THE 21ST CENTURY. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (IJARET), 15(4), 110-120. https://lib-index.com/index.php/IJARET/article/view/IJARET_15_04_010