Microfines, Partial Replacement Of Cement, Fine Materials, Additive Materials, Materials Finer Than 75 µmAbstract
The aim of this research is to study the effect of using microfine materials, namely, Limestone microfine (LSM), Brick microfine (BM), Sand microfine (SM), Glass microfine (GM) and Ground granulated blast furnace slag microfine (GGBFSM) on some mechanical properties of concrete, namely, compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and static modulus of elasticity. Each type of these microfines was used as partial replacement of 0, 5,10,15,20 and 25% by weight of cement. Same quantities were used as an additive to produce different mixes. In this research, super-plasticizers were used to achieve the required slump of concrete. A comparison was made between the test result of the five different types of concretes; namely Limestone microfine concrete (LSMC), Brick microfine concrete (BMC), Sand microfine concrete (SMC), Glass microfine concrete (GMC) and Ground granulated blast furnace slag microfine concrete (GGBFSMC). Results of this research revealed that, in case of partial replacement of cement, GM, BM and GGBFSM has a different positive effect on compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and static modulus of elasticity than other types. Similar conclusion has been reached at in case of using microfines as additives to concrete mixes. Effect of microfines inclusion on air content in concrete has been also studied and presented
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