
  • Sowmyanarayanan Soundararajan Guru Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani, India. Author


Scalability, Cloud-Based Smart Payments Systems, Microservices Architecture, Database Shardinge, Elastic Resource Allocation


The rapid growth of digital payments has highlighted the critical importance of scalability in cloud-based smart payments systems. This article explores the scalability challenges faced by these systems, including performance degradation under increased load, resource allocation complexities, managing vast amounts of transaction data, and latency issues in public cloud environments. To address these challenges, various solutions and strategies are discussed, such as horizontal scaling, elasticity, microservices architecture, caching mechanisms, and database sharding. The article presents real-world case studies demonstrating the successful implementation of these solutions and emphasizes the crucial role of scalability in ensuring system reliability, customer satisfaction, and the overall success of payment systems. Furthermore, emerging trends and best practices for designing and implementing scalable architectures are examined. The article concludes by highlighting the future outlook for scalability in cloud-based smart payments systems and underscoring the importance of continued innovation and adoption of advanced technologies to meet the ever-growing demands of the digital payments landscape.


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