
  • Shantanu Kumar Amazon, USA. Author


Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cloud Storage, Machine Learning (ML), Storage Optimization, Data Management


The rapid expansion of digital data has made it possible to create cloud storage solutions that are more effective and accessible. These problems can be solved with tools like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). AI and machine learning can make cloud storage more efficient and easier to access in many ways, which are all covered in this study. We study a lot of research on AI-driven strategies, like how to improve security and privacy, get data faster, use advanced compression techniques, get rid of duplicate data, and manage data automatically throughout its lifecycle. Aside from that, we also look at how AI-powered storage options might help lower costs and meet the needs of specific industries. AI and ML can make cloud storage systems much better, according to our research. They can also lead to new, cheaper, and more environmentally friendly storage options. This study offers ideas for future research that could better use AI technologies to meet the growing need for cloud storage services by putting together existing research and finding gaps in the field.


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