
  • Venkata Raj Kiran Kollimarla University of California, Irvine, USA. Author


Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Finance, Democratization Of Finance, Robo-advisors, Financial Inclusion,, AI-driven Investment Platforms


The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed the financial industry, democratizing access to sophisticated tools, insights, and services previously available only to institutional investors and high-net-worth individuals. This article explores the various applications of AI in finance, including market analysis and trading, risk assessment, fraud detection, customer support, credit scoring, investment research, regulatory compliance, and natural language processing. It delves into AI's potential to democratize finance by empowering retail investors with access to actionable market intelligence, algorithmic trading platforms, personalized investment advice through robo-advisors, AI-driven educational platforms, alternative data analysis for uncovering investment opportunities, fractional investing, and expanded access to credit for underserved populations. The article also examines the role of robo-advisors in making investing more accessible, affordable, and personalized for a broader range of individuals. Finally, it concludes by emphasizing the importance of AI-driven tools, insights, and services in promoting financial inclusion and speculates on the future outlook for AI in democratizing finance and its potential impact on wealth accumulation and equality.


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