Performance Evaluation, Distributed Testing, Test Automation, Software Testing, Efficiency, Selenium Grid, Agile Environments, Selenium Web GridAbstract
This presentation presents a study that uses distributed testing approaches and Selenium Grid to improve the productivity and coverage of test automation in Agile contexts. The goal of the study is to find out how testing procedures in Agile environments can be optimized by utilizing Selenium Grid, a scalable solution for parallel testing across several browsers. This strategy, which distributes test execution across multiple nodes, promises to improve test scenario coverage while also accelerating test execution, which is consistent with the iterative and dynamic nature of Agile development methodologies. This study aims to quantify the advantages of using Selenium Grid in Agile environments through an empirical investigation. It does this by shedding light on the tool's effectiveness in expediting testing procedures, shortening time-to-market, and ultimately improving the overall quality and dependability of software products developed with Agile principles.
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